Renewal Energy and Waste to Energy

APTEL is leading consultancy firm run by industry experts and professionals with over 30 years of management, consulting and implementation experience.

The firm has offices in India and abroad

We are associated with field of Carbon credits and carbon trading companies.

99.9% Customer Satisfaction based on 750+ reviews

99.9% Customer Satisfaction based on 750+ reviews

02. Projects executed so far...

Changing the way we use energy!

We are providing consultancy service for
carbon credit work such as

04. Save the Planet by Using Renewable Energy

Our Offerings

  1. Carbon Credits
  2. Energy Audit
  3. Solar / Wind Power Purchase Agreement
  4. Waste to Energy ( Biogas , CBG , Gasifier )
  5. Air Pollution Control
  6. Electricity Duty Exemption
  7. EV Charging Station

03. Meet Our Team

Meet Our Professional

06. How It Works

Reshaping energy for the future!

The firm has offices in India and abroad
Projects Completed

812 +

Happy Customers

23 k

Years of Experiences

15 +

Awards Achievement

99 +

09. Everything New

Read the latest

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